
Showing posts from December, 2021

Tips for Mental Well-being

Good mental health is a key to happiness.  Mental well-being is a positive state of mind which can be achieved by following the tips mentioned in the image. Accepting yourself is the first step to mental well-being.  Accept your strengths and weaknesses both, you are unique, your qualities are unique to you which gives you your identity,allows you to love yourself for what you are, build good self esteem and helps in boosting your confidence.This can be achieved by practicing mindfulness, which is nothing but observing your own-self, working on your shortcomings and strengthening your strengths. You find  purpose of your life. Once you have accepted yourself, no longer validation from others is needed. Rather you learn to express gratitude to others, you start mastering your environment and get a realization that its not worth wasting energy in imitating or competing with others  Optimism follows once perspective towards self is positive. It keeps you Hopeful and Happy. 

Diet And Nutrition‎ - Diet to boost your immunity

When the world is in the war zone with Corona Virus (COVID19) the only  weapon to fight against it is our IMMUNITY!  If I tell you that the most convenient and easy weapon it is, would you believe me??? YES, JUST BY EATING RIGHT KIND OF  FOOD   FOOD  AND  FOOD!!!!!

Shefali's Holistic Wellness Clinic

Dr. Shefali   has over 20 years of experience in the field of  homeopathy, counseling, diet/nutrition  and has practiced in the UK, Switzerland, and India. She has treated a large number of acute, chronic and complicated cases of varying natures through classical homeopathic treatment. She also did clinical research in homeopathy through ICR, Pune, and obtained post graduate diploma in homeopathy from British Institute of Homeopathy, UK which enhanced her knowledge further in homeopathy. She attended various national and international workshops, seminars in homeopathy.   She is also a certified  Psychological Counselor  and  Nutritional Therapist . In addition, she has also studied various other healing techniques like Reiki, Bach's flower remedies, and meditative healing. Specialities Treating skin & hair loss, gynecological, chronic diseases, and chakra balancing & cleansing through homeopathic remedies & meditative healing techniques.   Degree B.H.M.S, PGHMD ( UK), P

Diet And Nutrition‎ - Your Weight Gain Probability & Analysis

Rate your weight probability: How easily can you put on   weight ? Score 1 point for each ‘yes’ answer. Do you eat white rice, white flour or white bread rather than whole grain more than three times per week? Do you have more than a pint (approx. 0.6 litres) of full fat dairy (milk, yoghurt) or more than 200 grams of full fat cheese a week? Do you have caffeinated drinks (green or black tea, coffee) after 4pm? Do you have snacks from vending machines (roasted/salted nuts, crisps, chocolate bars, M&M’s wine gums, fruit juice) more than twice a week? Do you add sugar to food or drink almost every day? Do you have foods or drinks with added sugars and or fruit juice (e.g. natural orange juice) almost every day? Do you eat fried food more than twice a week? Do you use salt on your food almost daily? Do you drink more than 10oz (28g) of alcohol (one glass of wine, 1 pint of beer, or one measure of spirits) a day? Do you eat processed ‘fast food’ more than twice a week? Do you eat proce

Diet And Nutrition - Top 10 Superfoods

" Superfoods " are foods that are rich in nutrients. T hey are   mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy that are thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health. List of  10   Superfoods: Dark  green leafy vegetables  are an excellent source of nutrients including folate, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C and fiber. Berries are a nutritional powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Legumes are a rich source of B vitamins, various minerals, protein and fiber. They also support weight reduction. Nuts and seeds are rich in fiber, vegetarian protein and heart-healthy fats. Yogurt/curd is a fermented beverage usually made from milk that contains protein, calcium, B vitamins, potassium and probiotics. Garlic is a plant food that is closely related to onions, leeks and shallots. It’s a good source of manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium and fiber. TURMERIC : C urcumin is the active compound in turmeric. It

Homeopathy - What can be treated with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is an effective and scientific system of healing which assists the natural  tendency of the body to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are a  disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient that needs treatment  not the disease. Homeopathic remedies, properly prescribed, are safe and  can be given to pregnant women, babies and children.  What types of problem can homeopathy help?  Skin conditions eg. Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Urticaria  Respiratory tract conditions eg. Asthma, Tonsillitis, Coughs & Colds  Digestive tract conditions eg. Irritable bowel syndrome, Constipation  Allergies eg. Hay fever  Menstrual & menopausal problems  Pregnancy ailments  Induction of labour  Acute fevers, sore throats and toothache  Chronic illnesses such as arthritis, anxiety and insomnia  Childhood conditions Many baby & childhood conditions and illness can be effectively treated with  homeopathy including:  Asthma, Colic, bronchitis, coughs a

Balancing and cleansing your chakras

Balancing, Cleansing Chakras with Meditation Chakras are energy points along the central meridian of the body. Chakra is an old Sanskrit term meaning 'wheel' or 'circle' and is generally used to reference specific energy centers along the body's meridian.   They are called wheels because energies spin at these points, rotating clockwise at a certain frequency. The activity resembles a galaxy of planets, each spinning on its axis. The seven main chakras that you will learn about are located in the spinal cord region and are reflected, and felt after Self-Realization, in various parts of our bodies. Each chakra is designed to supervise and maintain the perfect operation of the bodily systems under its control. An understanding of what each chakra attracts and what can disturb it is important for our well-being. Every thought and action influences the sensitivity and performance of these centers. As a beginner, the initial task is to clear away the gross negativity; th

Homeopathy - Traveling with Homoeopathic Medicines

Traveling with Homoeopathic Medicines  Always before travelling try to foresee ailment you may suffer on your vacation trip. Such clairvoyance will avoid spoiling your vacation. Try to take care so as to prevent common ailment you may come across while on vacation travelling. This article will prepare you for the same.  Motion Sickness  Self-help  Susceptible persons must avoid consuming excess food before embarking on a journey.  They should sit in the direction in which the car or train is moving. They should place themselves, where there is adequate ventilation. They should avoid unnecessary anxiety or tension before leaving on a journey. If there is vomiting, the patient should have sufficient water. Homeopathic Treatment Cocculus: It is indicated in persons who complain of nausea, giddiness and fainting, particularly while travelling by road or by air. It is to taken in its 200C potency, four hourly during the journey.  Nux Vomica: It is indicated in patients who complain of nause


CAN HOMEOPATHY TREAT CORONA VIRUS (COVID19 ) ? Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine and treat on the basis of mental and physical symptoms irrespective of type of disease (viral, bacterial, inflammatory, autoimmune, carcinogenic, hormonal etc). COVID19  OR CORONA VIRUS is not different from any other viral or infectious condition for Homeopathy. Based on symptoms, if a correct remedy is prescribed, it will not only  arrest the progress  of the disease but will also  CURE  it.  There are many homeopathic medicines which mimics viral type of symptoms and help them in curing it. To name few Arnica, Aconite, Arsenic Alb, Bryonia, Camphora, Gelsemium, Rhust tox, Rumex and many other remedies based on the symptoms of the patients. If you are suffering from viral infection, taking homeopathic medicines are completely safe under Doctor's supervision.

Homeopathy - Do's and Dont's while taking homeopathic medicines

If you are going to take homeopathic treatment then please do consider the points stated in this article as guidelines to take homeopathic medicines.   Touching Homeopathic Medicines:  Do not touch the homeopathic medicines; do not take on to your palm before taking it, as handling of medicines reduces the potency of the medicines. It also spoils the medicines by exposing it to unhygienic conditions. Always take the medicines by using the cap of the medicine bottle or a plain paper. If you are going to use a paper then see to it that it does not contain any print. As ink can also spoil the medicine.  The half an hour rule:  Do not eat or drink anything half an hour before and after taking the medicines. That means if you wish to take medicine at 10 o'clock then do not consume anything from 9.30 to 10; take the medicine on 10 o' clock and then till 10.30 do not consume anything. The only exception to this rule is water. Drinking water is permissible after or before five minutes

Homeopathy - Myths and Facts about Homeopathy

Myth Facts It is slow to act.  Not really. Homoeopathy is fast acting in acute conditions such as infections, fever, diarrhea, etc. The chronic and old disease such as psoriasis take a long time to treat hence homoeopathy has been labeled as slow acting. One may say that homoeopathy may be slower than the effect of pain-killers, anti-inflammatory medicines and steroids. One must know that homoeopathy is faster in the treatment of conditions such as allergy, asthma, eczema, migraine, arthritis. Homoeopathy is like a tortoise in the well-known story of tortoise and rabbit. Homoeopathy is useful only for the chronic conditions and and has no role for acute ailments. Homoeopathy is a great alternative medicine for acute diseases. In fact, almost 50% of our practice consists of acute ailments varying form cough-cold-fever to otitis media, pneumonia, tonsillitis, hepatitis, sinusitis, etc. Homoeopathy is a real alternative medicine. When it comes to handling infections, nothing can beat anti

About Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a very unique and powerful healing system, and it is a natural form of treatment. Homeopathy stimulates the body’s own healing capability and immune system to fight diseases that prevent the possibility of recurrence, and cures the disease permanently. Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young and old. Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on treating your specific  physical and emotional symptoms , to give long lasting benefits. The treatment is not based on the  diagnosis  of disease. There are several  misconceptions  about  homeopathy  so it seemed worth addressing a few of them at  Myths and Facts   Homeopathy is one of the two most widely used forms of medicine in the world today, because people are discovering the benefits of a system of medicine that is safe, effective and treats them as unique individuals. Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that treats mental, emotional and ph