Balancing and cleansing your chakras

Balancing, Cleansing Chakras with Meditation

Chakras are energy points along the central meridian of the body. Chakra is an old Sanskrit term meaning 'wheel' or 'circle' and is generally used to reference specific energy centers along the body's meridian. 

They are called wheels because energies spin at these points, rotating clockwise at a certain frequency. The activity resembles a galaxy of planets, each spinning on its axis. The seven main chakras that you will learn about are located in the spinal cord region and are reflected, and felt after Self-Realization, in various parts of our bodies. Each chakra is designed to supervise and maintain the perfect operation of the bodily systems under its control.

An understanding of what each chakra attracts and what can disturb it is important for our well-being. Every thought and action influences the sensitivity and performance of these centers. As a beginner, the initial task is to clear away the gross negativity; this may take time but the results will be felt from the outset. 


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